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Food loss and waste and the circular economy of food system
Jan 10, 20234 min read

Food loss and waste and the circular economy of food system

Did you know that we waste about one-third of the food we produce? Yes, food loss and waste are major issues in the developed world. Our inefficient food production and supply chains, plus careless consumption, are full of food loss and waste. And not only is this horrific because, at the same time, about 10% of the world's population is malnourished, but food waste also massively contributes to the emission of GHG (greenhouse gasses). After all, the majority of food waste ends up rotting in landfills, where it emits methane, or it ends up in waste incinerators, which results in CO2 and other emotions, including highly toxic dioxins. As such, we need to change our ways, and we need to do it fast.

Food loss and waste issues can be solved

Luckily, we are not the only vocal regarding food loss and waste issues. Many advancing folks and organizations all across the globe are doing their part to help reduce food waste. We even have The International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (September 29). Moreover, some people do their part by educating others on the issue, others by organizing events, and third by rolling up their sleeves and implementing organic farming. Luckily, there is no single best way; many paths lead to the same result. Hence, we need to do all that and more. However, no matter the tactics or approach that the individuals or organizations take in search of food loss and waste reduction solutions, they all agree that the circular economy of the food system is the way to go.

Food loss and waste issues can be solved

The important takeaway message is that we can solve food loss and waste issues. And we don't need to wait for revolutionary technology; we already have all it takes. We need to educate people to ensure that every household does its part and starts putting pressure on the companies and officials to organize our communities better. Just by doing so, we can radically reduce food loss and waste. Then, by adding composting into the picture, we can ensure that the remaining food waste gets repurposed. That way, we ensure that the valuable nutrients do not result in air pollutants but instead serve as resources for new food. This is the key to the circular economy of the food systems.

At this point, it is worth pointing out that every household can already start composting its organic waste in the comfort of its kitchen. Using high-quality bokashi composting bins, such as Bokashi Organko Essential, rural and urban dwellers can reduce organic waste and produce precious new resources. Then, they can use these resources to create their own organic crops. However, the real power comes to light when communities join forces and ensure that their pre-compost mass is appropriately collected and distributed to local farmers. Essentially, this takes us from organic gardening to organic farming, which is another key to implementing the circular economy of the food system.

 Find your way to minimize food loss and waste

Organic farming based on using quality compost solves other significant problems of the current food production and consumption systems. For starters, it ensures that the soil stays nurturing and fertile for years to come. Secondly, it produces more nutritious food, which also improves its consumers' health and general well-being. Furthermore, organic farming ensures that agriculture doesn't pollute our soil and groundwater.

Joining forces and finding your way to minimize food loss and waste

We must also point out that the circular economy of the food system doesn't have one universal form. It's extremely important that communities and municipalities consider their environment, climate, and other factors and set in place a circular system that will function as efficiently as possible. And it doesn't have to be perfect from the start. The goal is to start somewhere and then tweak things accordingly through time. As such, starting with households ensuring proper food waste management is a universal way to embark upon the path that will lead to noticeably reduced food loss and waste.

It's also highly inspiring and motivating to know that what is good for our planet is also suitable for our health and well-being. Moreover, it's also highly beneficial for our economies. As such, make sure to find your optimal way to minimize food loss and waste. Furthermore, you'll automatically inspire others to follow your lead along the way. And together, we will make the sustainable circular economy of the food system the new norm.

Last but not least, here are some organizations and movements that are already doing a lot to reduce food waste:

  • United Nations (UN):
    • The International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste
    • The Decade of Action on Nutrition
    • The Sustainable Development Goals
    • The UN Food Systems Summit
  • Nutrition for Growth (N4G)
    • Nutrition for Growth Summit
  • The Ellen MacArthur Foundation
    • The "A circular economy for food will help people and nature thrive" page
  • The Farmlink Project
  • Food Recovery Network
  • Act4Food Act4Change
  • Champions 123

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