Bokashi Academy
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What you'll learn about CLOSING THE #BOKASHILOOP:
- Learn how your actions impact the entire planet.
- Meet communities that close the #bokashiloop for a healthier future.
- Connect with bokashi enthusiasts and create new environmentally-friendly groups.
Video length: 4:18 min
How Community Composting connected people in France, Dubai, and Ecuador
Video length: 2:21 min
How two European municipalities connected their politics and citizens with bokashi composting
Video length: 0:47 min
Now it’s your turn! Start bokashi and connect with people around the world
Bokashi Academy
Video length: 0:46 min
Meet our bokashi family ❤
Course materials
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Bokashi Library
Discover our Bokashi composting knowledge center. After completing the Bokashi Academy, you’ll most likely be eager to dive deeper into certain topics. This is where our blog posts will serve you best!
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Important and Significant Milestones of Our Plastic Company
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Innovative plastics: automation, sustainability and satisfied customers
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Trends in Sustainable Industry of Plastic Manufacturing
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5 exciting sustainable solutions in plastic manufacturing
Bokashi Shop
Start composting with Bokashi Organko.
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